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Non-Destructive Controls on Steel Wire Rope and Lifting Accessories


SIRTEF has got inside personnel qualified by the CICPND and certified at the 2nd level to make Non-Destructive Controls on steel wire ropes, slings and lifting accessories with the following methods:

Penetrating Liquids

This kind of control is carried out to highlight defects on surfaces of any kind of material (castings, welding, pipes, etc.). The non-destructive test method with penetrating liquids is based on visual examination of the surface after the application, in sequence, of a penetrating product and a detector one.

The method makes all discontinuities visible on the surface as they normally are not visible or are hardly visible to the naked eye instead. Here below technical details:

  • Controllable surfaces:
    Actually, all non-porous surfaces, areas without grooves or areas able to absorb penetrating liquids.
  • Detectable Defects:
    Surface defects such as cracks, porosity, folds and incisions
  • Functionality:
    Easy to use – applicable on site – sensitive to even apparently un-significant defects
  • Application:
    Surface controls on non-porous materials
checking the welds of the spreader beam suspension ears
checking_weldings_on_spreader beam

Magneto-scope Control

This kind of control is based on the deviation the magnetic field lines, as being induced in a ferromagnetic material, undergo at the presence of some discontinuity.
It is used in the control of welding, castings, etc.

Here below the technical details:

  • Detectable Features:
    Magnetic flow dispersed due to superficial or sub-superficial discontinuities such as: cracks, cavities and inclusions
  • Functionality:
    Sensitive to both surface and sub-surface defects
  • Application:
    Surface and sub-surface controls on all ferromagnetic materials